Welcome to Alpha Productions Technologies, Inc.

Alpha Productions Technologies, Inc. specializes in electronic cable/wire harness assembly, and small-part sub-assembly. Alpha’s assembly facility utilizes automated wire-stripping and termination equipment.

At Alpha, it is our promise to not only meet but, exceed the assembly needs of our clients. This is made possible through our state-of-the-art facility and trained staff.

man sitting in the wheelchair doing his job

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What We Do Services & Programs

different kinds of electronic wire inside the factory

Paving the Way for Satisfaction Mission Statement

Our goal is to continuously provide reliable support, thorough training, and meaningful employment opportunities for persons with cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities while helping them operate self-sustaining businesses…

About Us
different kinds of color electronic wire


  • To create an environment that nurtures innovation and sustainability.
  • To attract, develop, and retain key personnel that support our mission, vision, and business objectives.